Sunday, September 20, 2009

Snow Skin Mooncake (Pandan Lotus Paste with Chocolate Filling)

This is made using the Snow Skin ready-mixed flour from Phoon Huat.  The pandan lotus paste is also from Phoon Huat.  And I also bought the two different sized mooncake moulds from Phoon Huat.  Just love the flower designs.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nonya Kueh Lapis

This is relatively easy to make.
All you need is rice flour, lek tau hoon (green bean powder), coconut milk, pandan leaves, sugar and water.  And its steamed, not really baked. And lots of colouring for the layers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Huat Kueh

I used the Huat Kueh mix from Phoon Huat. Very fast and easy to make. Just added the colouring myself. Some say the blue is ridiculous. But blue is my favourite colour. Made some dessicated coconut with brown sugar to go with it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pineapple Tarts

Pineapple tarts - a must for Chinese New Year. Pineapple in Hokkien is pronounced as "Ong Lye" or sounds like "Wang Lai" in Mandarin. It means good luck and good fortune will come your way.